Thursday, February 4, 2010


Thirty years after Jesus’ birth the appearance of John the Baptist comes into the region of Judea [Matthew 3]. He resembled the prophet Elijah in the way he dressed, that is clothes of camel’s hair and a leather belt [2 Kings 1:8; Zech. 13:4]. And he ate locusts and wild honey. [Leviticus 11:21] Like Elijah he was a rough outdoorsman with a forthright message. The heart of his message to those in Jerusalem and Judea was repentance and confession of their sins. The significant action that identified John’s message was Baptism. The Jews were familiar with the rite of baptism, but this was different for them. It signified the repentance, confession of sin and a commitment to a holy life in anticipation of the coming Messiah [Jesus Christ].

However, not all believed. The Pharisees and Sadducees, who came to see what he was doing, rejected his message. They believed that they, as physical sons of Abraham, were automatically qualified for Messiah’s kingdom. John repudiated the Pharisaic Judaism and called them to repentance and to renew their Covenant with God again, this time through repentance and the act of commitment through baptism.

In Genesis 15 God renewed his vows to Abraham and then in Chapter 17 he seals His covenant in Abraham’s flesh through circumcision. Now in the New Testament God is using his “Ambassador,” John the Baptist to introduce a new covenant with Jews and the sign of this commitment is baptism.

Today, the Scriptures say to all who sin: “ If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) The repentance and confession of our sins becomes our commitment with God and it is sealed with baptism. It is the outward sign of commitment, but to be effective an inward change of attitude leading to a changed life must occur and that can only be accomplished by the work of the Holy Spirit. My friend, if you haven’t repented and confessed your sins to Christ Jesus – it is time while the door is opened. “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”(1 Corinthians 6:1) Your next step after repentance and confession is your sign of commitment to change your behavior and you can do this through baptism. This is written in God’s word!

God Bless.