Monday, April 20, 2009


I began thinking of the day my daughter who was three came across a can of chili that that was left opened on the coffee table. I had placed it down for a second to go answer the phone. It only took a fraction of a second for my daughter to find it. I looked up and there in front of me, smiling like she had conquered the world by herself was her messy little face. It was an unforgettable moment when I looked back in the window of my memories and I just laugh.

God has a way of giving us small pictures in our small box of memories. They can be of happy times filling us with joy, love and inspiration. Some of them can be the birth of a child, the graduation of a son or daughter, a wedding, and even the time you said, “yes” to that wonderful man God brought into your path. But within that small box of memories or thoughts there are also the unhappy ones we want to erase. We can determine which ones we want to focus on to bring laughter and joy to us as a blessing from God. In the same manner we can use our thought life to bring glory to God.

This small box called “the brain”, which I call the storage house for our thoughts- a place where we harbor good and bad memories is a part of our body with a big task. We can use it to think good and bad things. But when we use this body part to meditate or store God’s word in it – the results are a blessing!

As God’s creation, we have a responsibility with every part of our body including this “small box” to be used to honor Him. Even king David realized that meditation of God’s word stored in our thought life was an important factor in order to please God. He stated beautifully in Psalms 19:14 “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

Would you change the way you live if you knew that God would examine every word and thought first? David asks that God approve his words and thoughts as though they were offerings brought to the altar. As you begin the day determine to have God’s love be your guide in how you think. Remember Good Thoughts Create Good Memories!

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