Friday, February 8, 2008


A Weekly Devotional
by Vanessa
God does not want us to compromise according to the Holy Scriptures. He wants those who have been saved to live by biblical standards and not the standards of the world. By this I mean, following the truths of Jesus and his teaching. Jesus came to give us life and to have it in abundance (John 10:10). When we accept Christ as our savior, his righteousness comes to dwell in us, we are cleansed from sin. There is no room for sinfulness because our flesh is in a battle with our spirit. We yield to God’s word and it strengthens us each day to overcome the desires and temptations that come before us. Our friends and families that don’t have Christ begin to see this change. They say we are different. They see in us the peace, confidence and power of the spirit, because we continue to feast ourselves in God’s word and in prayer.

If we are new believers, the test of our faith becomes more prominent. And if we are not careful, that is, if we are not seeking God’s holy word everyday and praying everyday, we can stumble. Just like a newborn needs feeding and instruction to grow in learning right from wrong, the new believer needs God’s word (the Bible). In John 14:7 we find Jesus saying to his disciples that he is.." the way, the truth and the life…" Therefore, if we have any doubts about which way to go, or where we can find the truth- it is in Jesus. Your conviction in Jesus and his standard of living is the Truth. There is no compromise when it comes to having a different way of life.

When you compromise to sin, you are asked to do something that’s all not really bad till the next time. Take for instance, the believer who goes into a store and looks around making sure no one sees and gets a lotto ticket, fills it out and with his eyes down gives it to the cashier. The next time he comes back he is a little boulder until the next time he goes straight to the cashier and looks him in the eye. What has happened? The person has become resistant to the holy spirit. They have become sensitized by sin and are not listening to God’s word. In Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” God tells us that he will take care of our needs if we ask. It seems simple, but it is that simple. We need to trust God and wait on his answer, because he knows when it is the right time and day for Him to fulfill your request. Nothing is impossible for him, no matter how difficult it may seem in our eyes. Our God is an awesome God! Keep this verse in mind found in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Post it on your refrigerator, keep it in your wallet. BELIEVE IT, TRUST IN HIM, HE IS FAITHFUL!

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