Tuesday, March 25, 2008

(The Homeless Mom by Mary PerezVansher)

She scavenged for food to feed her little ones
Picking out of the rubble something to eat.
Oft she dared to dream of one fresh speckle of bread,
Or a piece of raw meat to sustain her physical strength.
Yet in the plight of her disparity the sun glowed,
It showed a radiance of light that meant hope.
She had nothing to lose for she had lost it all,
But only to trust the ray of light that was calling to her.

Uncertain and fearful she asked this new hope
“Why look upon me now, for I am destitute?”
A gentle voice was heard, it said:
“My child I never forgot you, I was there at your birth.”
Her life transpired quickly through her window of memories
Seeing the little girl she once new, one full of life and hope.
How sorry she was for the wrong turn in life.
She opened her heart with tears in her eyes
Embracing Hope that was once lost but now found.

There are times when we fail to recognize the call of the holy spirit telling us to yield to the path that will bring us a better way of life; one of peace, joy and fulfillment. But even when we stray from that path that God has purposed for us, he still does not forsake his children. He is still there trying to get our attention.

“He will not abandon me or leave me as an orphan in the storm – He will come to me.” (John 14:18 KJV)

This homeless mom had come to the edge of her desperation with no food, or shelter to keep her children warm at night. Everything she had -vanished instantly, because she had decided to gamble it all during a poker game. Her addiction had taken over her life to the point of not thinking about her family, nor what the consequences of a one more game would do to her. It took one more gamble, her last, and the one that would break her spirit, joy, peace and her relationship with her God.

There are many today that are addicted to things like drugs, prostitution and other such vices. In a moment of thrills it too can snap away the blessings you once had. But for those whose souls are downcast without hope –God is calling you! “In the day of trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me.” Psalm 86:7 like the homeless mom, open your heart to Him and embrace hope. Remember this “God is our refuge and strength and ever present help in time of trouble.” Psalm 46:1

“Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? My hope is in God and I wait expectantly for him, for I shall yet praise him, my Help and my God.” Psalm 42:3

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